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Zogby Poll Calls it for Kerry

As of 5pm, Eastern time, Zogby reports results of a nationawide telephone poll of 955 likely voters. There is a 3.2% margin of error rate. They come out: 311 electoral votes for Kerry, 213 for Bush. [hat tip to Daniel Welch.]

This doesn't mean you don't have to go vote. It's a poll, and we all know how reliable those can be. But things are looking good, so go, put it over the top for Kerry.

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Early Exit Results

Via Oliver Willis:

[Taken down, not sure they were for publication.]

Oliver says:

Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Mexico, Wisconsin, New Hampshire and Florida look good. Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana are on the down side. Iowa is split.

Remember, Republicans tend to vote early in the day. [Atrios]

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E-Day News Open Thread

For election day news updates on everything from voting problems, lawsuits, turnout, interviews...and whatever else you can think of. You be the reporters... Enjoy!

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Vote and Tell: Your Stories

Jim Capozzola at Rittenhouse Review is collecting election day stories. Feel free to leave your's here as well.

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Ohio Voter Files Federal Lawsuit Charging Denied Right to Vote

An Ohio voter has filed suit in federal court, N.D. Ohio, charging she didn't get her absentee ballot although it was timely requested. She went to her polling place and was not given a provisional ballot or allowed to vote.

[via Fox News on tv, no link yet.]

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It's Prediction Time

Update: The final numbers are Bush 51, Kerry 48%. Bush, 286, Kerry 252.

Bump and Update: Today's the day. The contest will remain open until 6:00 pm ET. Get your predictions in...and your contributions if you want a prize for winning. The pot is now up to $55.00.

Update: Great roundup of blogger predictions here.

11/1/04 3pm
Bump and Update: As promised, this thread's being bumped so you can keep making and revising your projections. As to a prize, only $5 has been turned into Paypal so far, so there may not be one. If more comes in, it will be divided between the winner(s)and me. If not, the winners have to be satisfied with a mention on TalkLeft.

Original Post 10/31/ 7pm

The polls open in 36 hours. They close in 48. It's time to weigh in. Who will win in the popular vote? The electoral college? What will the final tally look like?

I'll start. My prediction:

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Real Time Voting Results Online

Where to watch the results tonight? Almost everywhere. Here's one to bookmark now that promise one-stop shopping results in real time:

Media Matters:

Media Matters for America (MMFA) today announced a comprehensive presidential, election-night, monitoring project. Posted in real time, MMFA will note when winners are called, state-by-state, in all 50 states. The project will monitor four networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS); three cable outlets (CNN, MSNBC, and FOX); and the Associated Press. The monitoring chart will list all 50 states and the corresponding time at which each network, cable outlet and wire service calls the results.

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Voting Attitudes

Interesting contrast between a Republican and Democrat voter in Detroit today.

Democrat Voter:

"It's a good feeling when you choose your leader, when you have a say," he says. Al-Tawil says he cast his ballot for John Kerry. [Murad Al-Tawil, 30, casts his very first ballot. Born in Iraq, he became an American citizen three years ago.]

Republican voter:

Rosemarie Russell, 27, hurries in to vote with her two children in tow. "It's my birthday today," she says. "I want to get this over with and get on with my day." She says she is voting for President Bush.

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We will get out the vote. Wednesday night John Kerry and John Edwards will be declared the undisputed winners of the election.

Thursday morning, the news will begin referring to George Bush as "Outgoing President George W. Bush."

How sweet it is.

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Entire 18 Minute Bin Laden Tape Released

Last Friday, six minutes of an 18 minute tape by Osama bin Laden was played on the Al Jazeera network and broadcast around the world. Today, Al Jazeera released the remainder of the tape. You can read the U.S. translator's version or Al Jazeera's version.

Here's an interesting portion:

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Open Thread: Last Minute Thoughts

It's almost show time. It's also the The calm before the storm. What are your final thoughts? What do you fear most for tomorrow? Will all the hard work pay off? Will we have a new President?

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Rocky Mountain News Calls Race for Bush...A Day Early

Unbelievable. If I didn't see it with my own eyes.... It's gone now, of course, but thanks to Raw Story for keeping the proof.

Even if it was just a test of their page set for tomorrow, why are the numbers so slanted? And why did they go live with it today? The paper endorsed Bush for President a few weeks ago.

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