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NBC Calls Florida for Bush

NBC calls Florida for Bush. Ohio is a must-win for Kerry now.

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NBC Calls Colorado Senate Race for Salazar

NBC has called the Colorado senate race for Salazar, although with 70% of the vote in, Salazar is ahead 51% to 48%.

In these races, the Dems wiped out:

Tancredo wins over Conti
Beauprez wins over Dave Thomas
Joel Hefly beats his competitor.

Musgrave is ahead of Matsunaka 49% to 45%.
Walcher is ahead of John Salazar 49% to 47%.

At least Udall and DeGette won.

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Betty Castor Leading in Florida Senate Race

NBC has Betty Castor leading Mel Martinez in the Florida senate race.

The New Mexico race is too close to call. The traditional democratic precincts of Santa Fe and the Navajo reservations have not come in yet. Bill Richardson thinks the Dems will pull it out by about 1%.

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Colorado Won't Split Electoral Votes

Amendment 36, which would end the winner-take-all system for electoral votes, has been declared a loser by 9 News.

NBC and CBS call Colorado for Bush.

Surprise of the night so far: Stan Matsunaka is making a very strong showing against Marilyn Musgrave--48% to 46% right now.

The tobacco tax was an easy winner. 84 cents a pack more starting January 1.

Salazar is gaining a larger lead over Coors.

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Ohio is Key to Outcome

The Democrats are saying Ohio is key and they will win it. Russert and Brokaw agree Ohio is it, but don't say who will win.

Right now the official Ohio site shows 60 of the vote in with Bush 52 and 48 for Kerry...but people are still standing in line to vote, particularly in the north western portions that are expected to go for Kerry. Will they be counted?

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Kerry Takes Pennsylvania and California

NBC calls Pennsylvania for Kerry--21 electoral votes. California too, 55, and Washington state go for Kerry. Idaho goes to Bush.

Tom Brokaw is great. Tim Russert is insufferable. He is stuck in 2000. Everything relates to 2000. And his white board with handwritten figures is ridiculous.

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NBC: Mood Improving in White House

David Gregory reporting for NBC that the gloom is lifing at the White House. They were totally bummed by early polling numbers and now feeling better. They are also restless. GWBI says he was feeling pretty lousy and now things are looking up.

They may be in for another mood swing when the west coast state results start coming in.

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The Youth Vote

NBC has figures of the youth vote. They make up only 29% of voters, the same number as for 2000. They were split evenly on the war in Iraq. But, they were 56% for Kerry, 44% for Bush.

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Kerry Takes Early Lead in Electoral Votes

CT, D.C., Delaware,Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Mass., New Jersey and Vermont for Kerry!

Kerry 78, Bush 66

(Media Matters)

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Blogging Tonight

Everyone is blogging tonight. Let's hope the Internet doesn't have a meltdown. Some are live blogging the results as the networks announce them. Here's a grid where you can see all the results in one place, courtesy of Media Matters. Some will focus on congressional races. Others will be providing analysis. AmericalBlog is covering everything. Hardblogger is really good too.

As for TalkLeft, I'm going down to Denver's Democratic headquarters now as a reporter for 5280.com. My Colorado posts will be over there (enthusiastic but non-partisan), my overall reporting and opinions will be here.

I don't know how long I'll make it away from my setup here of television, two side-by-side computers each with high speed cable connection and e-mail. I feel like I'm about to leave for a desert island. So check back often, I may be back sooner than you think. And I may find a way to blog from there.

Use the comments for your own live blogging. Have fun, it's going to be a good night, I can tell.

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Three Winners Projected

No surprises, Georgia, Indiana and Kentucky for Bush. (CBS and NBC)Kerry in Vermont.

South Carolina and Virginia too close to call.

The CBS Map is here.

MSNBC is reporting Rove and Bush's top advisors are discouraged and they are sending out the spinners to the cable shows in the battleground states. Bush is in the White House with his wife, daughters and Karl Rove.

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Election Music

Has anyone noticed the great ad for a stock trading company airing on all the cable news networks today with Grace Slick singing "Volunteers" as the theme music? If you haven't seen it click here and listen. A perfect song for this election day and a John Kerry win. It was recorded in 1969 (and Grace Slick turned 69 59 this week.)

Look what's happening out in the streets
Got a revolution Got to revolution
Hey I'm dancing down the streets
Got a revolution Got to revolution
Ain't it amazing all the people I meet
Got a revolution Got to revolution

One generation got old
One generation got soul
This generation got no destination to hold
Pick up the cry

Hey now it's time for you and me
Got a revolution Got to revolution
Come on now we're marching to the sea
Got a revolution Got to revolution
Who will take it from you
We will and who are we
We are volunteers of America

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