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Final Newspaper Endorsement Tallies

This weekend newspapers continued to endorse presidential candidates. The Kerry Campaign provides these final numbers:

Echoing the powerful message of more than 200 editorial boards across the country, 24 leading newspapers this weekend urged voters to elect John Kerry for president.

Two hundred twenty-nine publicationsincluding 200 daily papers with a combined circulation of more than 22 million readers have now backed John Kerry.

Forty-seven newspapers with a circulation of more than 3.6 million readers have endorsed Kerry after having backed Bush in 2000. Only six papers that supported Al Gore in 2000 have endorsed Bush this election.

Examples of papers breaking with past tradition:

The Bangor Daily News' backing of John Kerry was its first endorsement of a Democrat for president since the 19th century. The Orlando Sentinel had not done so in 40 years.

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Bush's Last Minute Tricks: Cabinet Members Hand States Money

There's a new dealer in town: George W. Bush. His minions are in the battleground states, handing out money like candy in a last ditch attempt to sway voters. Examples: Ohio, Washington and Oregon:

Just before voters went to the polls, Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman headed to Ohio Monday to hand out federal money that she said shows her boss "is committed to assisting small businesses in rural America."

Interior Secretary Gale Norton on Monday praised President Bush's "enthusiastic leadership" while announcing he had signed into law the new Lewis & Clark National Historical Park in Washington and Oregon - two battleground states leaning Democratic Sen. John Kerry's way.

They were the latest examples of Bush's use of his Cabinet and taxpayer-funded largess based on Congress' choices to help try to swing the election.

Just another day of using the perks of his office to sway the voters.

They were the latest examples of Bush's use of his Cabinet and taxpayer-funded largess based on Congress' choices to help try to swing the election....From spending for local schools to disaster relief, the announcements by Bush's Cabinet secretaries and White House staff have come largely in swing states and with key interest groups.

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You Didn't Receive Your Absentee Ballot, Now What?

Update: Unfortunately, according to the Denver Election Commission, the update below applies only to overseas and military voters. Too bad.

Bump and Update: 23 states allow you to vote by fax if you haven't gotten your absentee ballot:

Special Alert: 23 states allow you to vote by fax! AK, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, HI, IN, KS, LA, ME, MS, MT, NJ, NM, NC, ND, OK, RI, SC, TX, UT, WA.

Download your federal ballot (pdf) and fax it to your county court clerk, then put it in the mail. County clerk addresses (all states) listed here. [hat tip 5280 reader Molly]

Original Post
Many college and graduate students are registered to vote in their home state rather than school state. At 5280 the other day, I wrote about irate parents in Colorado whose kids didn't get a ballot despite a proper and timely request. Among them: the TL kid and two of his friends. The TL kid has called the Denver election commission, been told his ballot is in the mail, but as of now, no ballot.

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Plenty of Reasons to Vote for John Kerry

Ezra at Pandagon outlines the affirmative resons to vote for John Kerry. Who said flip-flopping and ambition are negatives?

Update: Latest John Kerry interview to MTV...go read what he has to offer. And yes, he liked Eminem's video--he caught it on Saturday Night Live.

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Springsteen Joins Kerry Tonight in Cleveland

Voter turnout is key...the Boss will be on hand to drive out the vote in Cleveland tonight. Get out every vote you can.....Wednesday's headline should read:

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Bush's Brain

Feeling stressed with election day uncertainty? Play the Give Bush a Brain game--very cute. [hat tip to Deb in Chicago]

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Chief Justice Rehnquist Delays Return to Supreme Court

Chief Justice William Rehnquist, battling thyroid cancer, may be more ill than previous reports suggested. He has announced he is undergoing chemotherapy and radiation and is delaying his return to the Supreme Court.

We wish Justice Rehnquist a complete and speedy recovery. This is the toughest battle he will ever face.

We also remind everyone of the enormous impact this election will have on the makeup of our Supreme Court. The next president will have the chance to appoint between one and four new Justices who, depending on their age, could serve for up to 40 years.

If abortion rights matter to you, if you want judges who are not right-wing ideologues and activists who will impose their view of the Constitution on the rest of us, vote for John Kerry. Here's how a writer in the New York Times recently described a Supreme Court dominated by Bush appointees:

Abortion might be a crime in most states. Gay people could be thrown in prison for having sex in their homes. States might be free to become mini-theocracies, endorsing Christianity and using tax money to help spread the gospel. The Constitution might no longer protect inmates from being brutalized by prison guards. Family and medical leave and environmental protections could disappear.

Among the issues the Supreme Court will face in the coming years:

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Votemaster's Identity Revealed

Electoral-Vote.com has been a favorite stop for continuously updated electoral vote projections. While revealing he is a Kerry supporter, the person behind the site has remained anonymous... until today, when he publicly identifed himself. Right now, I'm not getting into the site, there must be too much traffic, but Coyote Gulch has the goods:

And the question we've all been waiting to have answered Who is behind Electoral-vote.com. Wow, it's Andrew Tanebaum, the developer of Minix. I wondered how he could be in the U.S. and update so early every morning. He's not, he's in the Netherlands. Minix helped Linus Torvalds when he was starting out writing GNU/Linux. At the end of his "Votemeister FAQ" Tanenbaum writes, "I am Andrew Tanenbaum and I approved this message."

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Cheney vs. Edwards: A Matter of Style

John Edwards went door to door Sunday in Columbus, Ohio seeking votes. He believes every vote counts. Somehow I can't picture Dick Cheney knocking on doors in an unfamiliar neighborhood and saying, "Hi, I'd really like your vote."

Edwards is a people person. A warm geniune smile. Sincere concern for the problems of those explaining them. Cheney, I think, is most comfortable in his undisclosed, secure locations, by himself.

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Brits: Kerry Makes Them Feel Safer

A poll taken by the Independent U.K. finds that 56% of British citizens believe John Kerry will make the world safer. Only 20% think Bush can do the job.

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Packers Win One For Kerry

by TChris

Forget the polls. Football provides a more reliable predictor of presidential elections.

Ever since 1936, the year before the [Redskins] moved to Washington, the last home game before the election has predicted the winner. If the Redskins win, so does the incumbent party in the White House; if not, not. This rule has held good for 17 straight elections.

The good news for Kerry: the scrappy Green Bay Packers bested the Redskins by a score of 28-14. Kerry's victory on Tuesday is thus assured.

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Wesley Clark Blasts Dick Cheney

Wesley Clark issued this statement today:

“Vice President Cheney should be ashamed of himself for his last ditch efforts to mislead Americans about John Kerry. George Bush and Dick Cheney turned their back on our troops by attempting to cut their combat pay while our troops faced enemy fire on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan. They turned their back on our troops when they sent them into combat without the body and vehicle armor they needed, and then opposed reimbursing families who were forced to buy their loved ones this needed body armor. They turned their back on our troops by cutting funding for VA hospitals and by reducing the availability of health insurance.

“The Bush administration has neglected our troops and used them. It has failed them. Troops need good leadership with a strategic plan and a vision for success. George Bush has given them neither. By failing to use all the tools of diplomacy to reinforce our military efforts in Iraq, George Bush has let the troops down.

“It's appalling that Dick Cheney has the audacity to question John Kerry's commitment to our troops. The Bush Cheney campaign is showing its desperation.”

Received by e-mail from the Kerry campaign

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