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DNC to Welcome Bloggers at Convention

400 journalists from around the country yesterday attended the media walk-through at Denver's Pepsi Center, the site of the Democratic Convention in August. There were tours of the facility, a general q and a session and break-out sessions. It ended with lunch and a short talk by DNC Chair Howard Dean.

Among the mainstream media in attendance asking questions were the Houston Chronicle, AP, WNYC radio, Tribune Company, Minn. Public Radio, Univision and CNN. One reporter in attendance weirded everyone out with his security question in which he named practically every thing that could go wrong, and essentially asked whether there was an exit plan in case of an attack.

A better question was whether there would be greater food availability than there was in Boston, where the choice was Dunkin' Donuts or ....Dunkin' Donuts. They said yes.

Bloggers in attendance (that I knew): McJoan, Wendy Norris and Cara DeGette of Colorado Confidential and Aaron of Square State.

McJoan at Daily Kos has a good wrap-up. So does AP reporter George Merritt (no relation) who until recently, was a reporter with the Denver Post.

Ok, now the important part. The bottom line for bloggers: [More...]

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DNC Media Walk-Through

The DNCC is hosting the first media walk-through for the Democratic National Convention in Denver tomorrow.

Events kick off in an hour with a reception at the Wynkoop Brewery. Tomorrow is the walk-through. I'll miss some of it as I have early court in the morning. But I will be there to hear Howard Dean for lunch.

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Howard Dean will address members of the media attending the 2008 Democratic National Convention Fall Media Walk-Through during a luncheon at 12:00 p.m. MT on TUESDAY, November 13, 2007, at the Pepsi Center in Denver. The Media Walk-Through is being organized by the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC).

...Governor Dean will address members of the media from international, national, local and online outlets planning their coverage of the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

This should be fun. More details when I return.

Update below:

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Democrats and the West in 2008

Patrick Doyle of Denver's premier monthly magazine 5280 takes a long look at what holding the Democratic convention in the Denver means for Democrats winning the West in 2008. It's good news.

By holding their convention in Denver, they’ve signaled to the country that they’re marching, knees high, into the West. It’s a bold move, and it’s long overdue: The last time the Dems held a convention in Denver was 1908, and it’s been 80 years since they held a convention west of Chicago or east of California. Over the next six pages, we’ll look at what the West means to the political left.

Among the Topics:

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Breaking: Dems Choose Denver for 2008 Convention

Woo-hoo! Via the National Journal Hotline, Howard Dean and the DNC have chosen Denver to host its 2008 national convention.

A Democrat who was briefed said that chairman Howard Dean made the final decision yesterday, weeks later than planned. DNC comm. dir. Karen Finney declined to confirm the choice.

Colorado is a marquee states for Democrats, who have, in the past two years, gobbled up the governor's mansion, control of the state legislature, and two congressional seats.

How excited am I?

More from the Denver Post. The decision will be announced this afternoon.

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Howard Dean: No DNC Decision Until January

Bump and Update: DNC Chair Howard Dean now says he won't decide until early January. Why? Denver still has issues and New York doesn't want it badly enough.

Original Post:

Is One Local Union Holding Up the Denver DNC Bid?

The Rocky Mountain News reports that although Denver's Pepsi Convention Center has agreed to employ only union workers for the Democratic National Convention, one local stagehands union is refusing to sign a no-strike contract for the event -- in an attempt to get the Pepsi Center to agree to use union contractors.

That stinks, as I wrote at 5280 today. I hope this union falls in line. They will look very bad if we don't get the DNC contract because of them.

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Where Should the 2008 DNC Be Held?

It's down to the wire. DNC Chair Howard Dean will decide really soon, probably this coming week, whether the 2008 Democratic National Convention will be held in Denver or New York City.

I really hope Denver is chosen. We are up to the challenge, we can raise the money and we have the infrastructure.

The Rocky Mountain West is the old South in terms of importance in 2008, particularly Colorado and New Mexico.

It would be great to host bloggers here in Denver. There's a lot to do, it's young and vibrant, not too expensive and easy to get around.

We also have a very active progressive blog community. Check out ProgressNow Action, Colorado Confidential, Square State and Colorado Media Matters. We're ready.

Where do you think the convention should be held?

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