Tag: Sam Waksal
Forbes and the New York Post are making a big deal out of former IMClone President Sam Waksal getting 9 months off his 87 month sentence for having participated in RDAP, a 12 month residential drug and alcohol program for inmates.
The papers seem offended that Waksal didn't acknowledge an alcohol program until he was about to be sentenced. So what?
Waksal pleaded guilty to the charges as filed against him. He pleaded guilty without a plea agreement and he didn't cooperate against anyone else. A perusal of the court docket sheet in his case shows he paid more than $4 million in fines and restitution.
Waksal was on home detention prior to his surrendering to prison. Even the granting of his request to visit his elderly, sick mother for a day was met with a barrage of conditions A court order available on the case docket sheet advises him: You can leave after 8 am, you must be home by 8 pm, you can't make any stops along the way and you must call the probation department at noon.
I'm not surprised someone stuck at home 24/7 and subjected to such rigid restrictions would develop a drinking problem. As far as Waksal's reduction is concerned, I think he earned it. [More..]
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