
Former Starr Deputy Brett Kavenaugh Confirmed to Circuit

Former Ken Starr Deputy and Bush water-carrier Brett Kavenaugh was confirmed to a seat on the D.C. Court of Appeals. He may be the most unqualified appeals judge to be appointed in decades.

According to his DOJ resume, he has never been a judge or a trial lawyer. He's never tried a case. He has been a law clerk numerous times and a Starr deputy during Clinton (after which he became a partner at Starr's firm, Kirkland and Ellis.) He spent a year in the Solicitor General's office and then became associate counsel for Bush. Since 2003, he has been a staff secretary in the White House counsel's office.

From the Alliance for Justice report (pdf):

Kavanaugh has less legal experience than nearly every past nominee to the D.C. Circuit, often described as the second most important in the country. When first nominated in 2003, Kavanaugh had been a lawyer for less than thirteen years and had little courtroom or litigation experience. Of the 54 judges appointed to the D.C. Circuit since Congress created it in 1893, only one, Kavanaugh's mentor Kenneth Starr, had fewer years of experience than Kavanaugh. Even now that Kavanaugh has been a lawyer for more than fourteen years--albeit in a non-legal position since his nomination--only three D.C. Circuit judges had less experience at the time of their appointments: Starr, failed Supreme Court nominee Douglas Ginsburg, and turn-of-thecentury jurist Charles Henry Robb.

John Kerry in a blog post today calls him Judge Brownie.

< Gen. Hayden Confirmed as CIA Director | Bush Confesses Error >
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  • Re: Former Starr Deputy Brett Kavenaugh Confirmed (none / 0) (#1)
    by Dusty on Fri May 26, 2006 at 03:56:57 PM EST
    Good gawd..another crony in place without experience..these guys just can't figure it out..


    Re: Former Starr Deputy Brett Kavenaugh Confirmed (none / 0) (#3)
    by aw on Sat May 27, 2006 at 06:51:45 AM EST
    Tbogg has a listing of how the alumni of Ken Starr's Independent Counsel have been rewarded by their party. Interesting. Payoff for Panty Sniffers

    Re: Former Starr Deputy Brett Kavenaugh Confirmed (none / 0) (#4)
    by oldtree on Sat May 27, 2006 at 09:46:10 AM EST
    when the levee breaks, we can get rid of the crony each and every damn one of them. then they can go to jail instead of being people empowered to send others to jail what in the hell is this country? don't recognize it any more