
Ned Lamont to Announce Run Against Joe Lieberman

Although his website is already up, it won't be official until tomorrow. Democrat Ned Lamont will challenge Joe Lieberman for his Senate seat.

"People want a good debate of the issues. They don't want a rubber stamp for their senator," said Lamont, 52, who is scheduled to announce his candidacy at a 4 p.m. ceremony at the Old State House.

Lamont, of course, is an underdog. But he offers a refreshing change from Lieberman on the issues.

Lamont said he is hoping to gain the support of disillusioned Democrats who oppose the war, as well as the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and the controversial renewal of the Patriot Act.

Lieberman responds:

I don't think an angry, one-issue campaign works in Connecticut. I ask to be judged on my full record of service to the people of the state and the state and the results that I've brought home," he said. "Based on my record, I'm going to make my case to the voters of Connecticut."

I counted three issues, Joe, just in this article: The war, protecting the independence and integrity of our judiciary and the Patriot Act's erosion of civil liberties.

Poll numbers now show Lieberman would win the primary by 68 to 13%. It will be interesting to see if Lamont's numbers go up as he ratchets up his campaign.

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  • Good for him. You can't even call Lieberman a closet republican. He's been out the whole time. He chastised Clinton for his behavior is the Lewinski matter non-stop for two years. Fair enough. A touch excessive, but he had it comin' for a day or two. Yet no one is allowed to criticize this prince of putzes for lying about wmd, invading the wrong damned Country, suborning perjury, obstruction of justice, almost losing NOLA and the Gulf Coast, blowing the surplus and running up more debt than all other Presidents in US History combined. Somehow, the jomentum eludes me. If ya wanna be a reptile, be a reptile already.

    Time to write my weekly letter to Holy Joe asking him to resign from the Democratic Party.