
Free Speech Takes a Hit in Colorado

Conservatives in Colorado, insistent on implementing a policy restricting the free speech of professors in hopes of minimizing liberal thoughts and ideas, have adversely affected the rights of both students and teachers, according to testimony provided at a legislative hearing yesterday.

A university president and a Democratic state lawmaker said rules put in place this year to protect conservative views on Colorado campuses have led to death threats against professors and a harmful effect on free speech.....A handful of college officials and students went before the Legislature's Joint Education Committee on Thursday to report on efforts to enforce the Academic Bill of Rights. All state-funded colleges adopted the policy this year under pressure from Republican lawmakers.

Colleges agreed to implement a stripped-down version of the policy after lawmakers killed a measure that would have required them to allow students to file grievances against professors if they felt they were being harassed for their political or religious beliefs.

Among the off-limit topics: stem cell research which some Republicans claim amounts to abortion.

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