
Report: Iraqi Teens Abused at Abu Ghraib

Where will it end? The Washington Post reports:

An Army investigation into the Abu Ghraib prison scandal has found that military police dogs were used to frighten detained Iraqi teenagers as part of a sadistic game, one of many details in the forthcoming report that were provoking expressions of concern and disgust among Army officers briefed on the findings.

Think Bush is ready to abandon the "few bad apples" theory yet? When will he admit that the whole system was rotten to the core?

Update: Here's more on the upcoming report.

The new investigative report, to be released next week, was compiled by Major-General George R. Fay who was given the task of focussing on the role of military intelligence soldiers in the prison abuse. It will include over a dozen soldiers considered responsible for abuse, besides the seven military police personnel already facing charges, officials said. The personnel brought under investigation include low-ranking soldiers, civilian contractors and medics.

....But Pentagon sources said the new report showed MPs were using their animals to make juveniles as young as 15 years urinate on themselves as part of a competition, the Post report said. ...Pentagon officials said the investigation also acknowledges that military intelligence soldiers kept multiple detainees off record books and hid them from international humanitarian organisations.

The report mentioned substantiated claims that at least one male detainee was sodomised by one of his captors at Abu Ghraib, sources said. The Post quoted an unnamed Defence Department official as saying: "The investigation will show that these actions were bad, illegal, unauthorised, and some of it was sadistic."

Only 300 of the 9,000 page report will be released to the public. Look for blame to be placed squarely on Gen. Ricardo Sanchez. And for Rumsfeld to release another report.

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