
New Details in Kobe Bryant Case

The San Francisco Chronicle has some new details in the possible sexual assault charge against Kobe Bryant. The DNA test results could be announced Monday. The Colorado Bureau of Investigation all but confirms the case is a "he said, she said" by this comment:

We're looking for any exchange of bodily fluids. The idea is to shed some light on the victim's story or the suspect's story and corroborate either one, " said Pet Mang, deputy director of the Colorado Bureau of Investigations.

No one really knows what the 19 year old woman's job was at the Cordillera Lodge. That may be because the lodge is so small that everyone "multi-tasks."
The Chronicle alleges that Kobe and the woman were "flirting" when he checked in--and that later, she was "apparently summoned" to Bryant's room.

A former employee of the resort said it would not be unusual for the person at the desk to deliver room service to the guests. With such a small property, everyone has to multitask. What happened after that is the mystery. The victim alleges that Bryant held her in the room against her will.

The Eagle County DA, Mark Hurlbert, said on Good Morning America that

There's a whole range of conduct that is covered by felony sex assault, ranging anywhere from forcible rape down to getting a person intoxicated, slipping them drugs. It does always involve - penetration or intrusion into the genital area of the victim. [transcript via Lexis.com.)

Hurlbert also said he will take his time deciding whether to file charges since he first must believe he can prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt. Apparently, he's not convinced yet.

We think the woman is alleging that sexual intercourse occurred between her and Kobe, as opposed to some other form of unwanted sexual contact. But again, the DA doesn't seem to be convinced. Could there be something else at play here?

[Ed. we've deleted the theory we posted here because we no longer think it is a viable one.]

We'll be at the Eagle County courthouse on one of our own cases starting at noon. We won't have a computer, but when we get back (Eagle is 2 1/2 hours from Denver) we'll report any news or observations.

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