
Chief Architect of Patriot Act Resigns

Viet Dinh, the chief architect of the USA Patriot Act, the legislation that greatly expanded law enforcement agencies' powers to track terrorists, submitted his resignation to the White House, administration officials said. He plans to return to teaching at Georgetown University's law school. Check out PatriotWatch for details.

And don't miss Rumsfeld Rankles in which lawyers, particularly Neal Sonnett of Miami, blasts the plans for military tribunals for, among other things, its gag order effect. Some of our thoughts are here and and all our posts on military tribunals are here.

We are still in New York doing graduation festivities, apartment furnishing and other family related stuff. We have to leave now to do some Court TV (1 to 3 pm EST). Tonight is an NYU block party on E. 4th Street, and then we're going to a play directed by Woody Allen. So posting will still be sporadic, not to mention our hotel room has a 28.8 modem (and the business center wants $10 per half hour for high speed.) Blogging via dialup modem is just too time consuming to make it worthwhile. So bear with us a few more days, and check out the great sites on the right.

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