
Wednesday :: June 07, 2017

Trump Picks Chris Wray to Lead the FBI

Donald Trump will nominate Christopher Wray, a former Deputy AG under GW Bush, for Director of the FBI.

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Tuesday :: June 06, 2017

Third London Attacker Named by Police

The third London attacker has been identified as Youssuf Zaghba, 22, who lived in East London. He is an Italian national.

The third London Bridge attacker has been named as Youssef Zaghba, a 22-year-old son of an Italian mother and Moroccan father who was reportedly stopped at Bologna airport in 2016 bound for Syria via Turkey and told officials “I am going to be a terrorist”.

....According to reports in the Italian press, Zaghba had recently been working in a Pakistani restaurant in London. He was reported to have been on Italy’s list of persons at risk.

Italian officials say they notified British police about him when he left for London: [More...]

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NYT Report: Trump Unhappy With AG Sessions

The New York Times reports Donald Trump is unhappy with his AG pick, Jefferson Sessions. There seems to be two reasons: He regards Sessions' immigration memo as a "watered down" version of his executive order, and he's mad that Sessions recused himself on Russia.

This sounds more like water-cooler gossip to me than facts suggesting Sessions' tenure will be short-lived.

However, Mr. Trump is said to be aware that firing people now, on the heels of dismissing James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, would be risky. He has invested care and meticulous attention to the next choice of an F.B.I. director in part because he will not have the option of firing another one. The same goes for Mr. Sessions, these people said.

I wish it were otherwise, but I don't think it is.

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Monday :: June 05, 2017

Monday Open Thread

Time for a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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UK Police Identify Two of the London Attackers

Two of the dead London attackers have been identified.

27-year-old Khuram Shazad Butt, a British citizen who was born in Pakistan, and 30-year-old Rachid Redouane, who had claimed to be Moroccan and Libyan. Both lived in the Barking area of east London, the scene of multiple police raids since Sunday. Police did not identify the third attacker, saying efforts to confirm his identity are ongoing.

You can see Khuram Shazad Butt in this Channel 4 News Special called The Jihadis next door. It was filmed in 2014 (aired later) and he is the one unfolding the ISIS flag in the park and buzzing around when his preacher gets hassled about the flag by police. The Daily Mail has more. Contrary to some news reports, he was not involved in an altercation in the film. It was his preacher who became beligerant. He had a very minor part in the film. According to friends, he became radicalized by watching You Tube films.

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Sunday :: June 04, 2017

Ariana Returns to Manchester

Manchester was packed with people for the One Love Manchester concert this afternoon.

Ariana Grande & Friends: One Love Manchester show today is set to feature Justin Bieber, the Black Eyed Peas, Coldplay, Miley Cyrus, Niall Horan, Little Mix, Katy Perry, Take That, Usher, Robbie Williams and Pharrell Williams.

Some screengrabs below: [More...]

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Saturday :: June 03, 2017

London Bridge is Latest Attack Target

Three men in white van drove into passerbys at the London Bridge. London Bridge station has been shut down.

A second incident was reported at nearby Borough Market, where some men jumped out of a car and started randomly stabbing people.

Police say shots were fired and there is at least one fatality. A third incident (as yet undefined) occurred at the Vauxhall area of south London. London police say that was a stabbing but is unrelated to the first two incidents.

Here is the London police twitter feed. BBC is updating here. Here's a map.

The Daily Mail now has auto-play video. Buzzfeed for some reason includes in its news article what Donald Trump tweeted about this. Who cares? It has nothing to do with him. No links for either.

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Friday :: June 02, 2017

Friday Open Thread

ISIS has claimed credit for the Philippines casino bombing.

The U.S. took out the significant ISIS cleric, Turki al-Binali, and the co-founder of the Amaq News Agency.

Al Qaida continues to regroup, with Osama bin Laden's son Hamza bin Laden taking on a more public spokesman role.

Ansar al-Sharia folded in Libya. Al Qaida has not. ISIS is still making noise there, but it no longer is in control of a major city.

Donald Trump and Paris: Absent from the Rose Garden ceremony yesterday: Jared and Ivanka. Guess their feelings were hurt that Ivanka's time spent putting meetings together was for nothing. She really doesn't hold any power over her erratic father. There's no reason for anyone to "court" her.

Who has fun plans this weekend? This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Wednesday :: May 31, 2017

CNN and Others Cancel Kathy Griffin Contracts

CNN, Unicorn Gold bathroom products and Squatty Potty toilet stools have cancelled their contracts with Kathy Griffin over her Trump photo.

Squatty Potty said:

We have acted swiftly and decisively to demonstrate our commitment to a culture of decency, civility, and tolerance."

It was a disgusting photo. I can't even begin to fathom what was going through her head. Ted Nugent's comment doesn't even compare.

The photos are too close to ISIS' horrific beheadings -- how will the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff feel?

Griffin has issued what appears to be a sincere apology. [More...]

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Salman Abedi: UK Police Believe He Acted Alone

For days, police in the UK informed the media they were snatching up the major players in Salman Abedi's terrorist network in Manchester. Despite 16 arrests, today today the Manchester Police acknowledged that the "network" theory isn't panning out. It appears he acted alone. Here is the latest release by the Manchester Police Department.

Police now say Abedi bought the materials himself and built the bomb on his own in the four days after he returned from Libya.

Five of the people arrested have been released, three of them today . More releases are expected. [More...]

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Tuesday :: May 30, 2017

DHS Statement : Laptop Ban Still Under Consideration

The Department of Homeland Security issued a press release today saying no decision has been reached on banning laptops (large electronic devices) from overseas flights, but it's under consideration. DHS Secretary John Kelly had a phone call today with some European security officials.

Finally, while a much-discussed expansion of the ban on large electronic devices in the cabin on flights to the United States was not announced today, the Secretary made it clear that the an expansion is still on the table. Secretary Kelly affirmed he will implement any and all measures necessary to secure commercial aircraft flying to the United States – including prohibiting large electronic devices from the passenger cabin – if the intelligence and threat level warrant it.

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Tuesday Open Thread

From the Guardian: Jared Kushner's charmed life is about to come to a screeching halt and Germany Steps Up Attack on Trump for 'weakening' the west .

Trump's Communications Director is leaving. (His resignation letter was submitted May 18.)

The House committee investigating Russia has issued a subpoena to Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, after he refused an invitation to talk to them. (Added: Reuters says no subpoena has been issued.)

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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