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Friday June 17th
♦ "The President Has No Power To Declare A War" (93 comments)
Thursday April 14th
♦ Is Arizona's Birther Bill Constitutional? (39 comments)
Monday April 11th
♦ Can States Make You Eat Broccoli? (22 comments)
Tuesday March 22nd
♦ The Living Constitution And The War Power (15 comments)
Monday February 21st
♦ Why Public Sector Unions: Are Federal Labor Laws Applicable To States As States? (16 comments)
Tuesday February 15th
♦ McCulloch v. Maryland (5 comments)
Tuesday February 1st
♦ Necessary And Proper (20 comments)
Monday January 31st
♦ When "Essential" Does Not Mean "Necessary And Proper" (10 comments)
Thursday January 6th
♦ Expounding The Constitution (36 comments)
Monday December 13th
♦ The Future Of The Health Bill Mandate (41 comments)