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Friday Open Thread

I'm still buried under with work, but I am hoping to take a little break to blog and barbecue this weekend.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday Open Thread

I apologize for the lack of open threads recently. It's because I start one and try to include something worthwhile and end up writing half a novel about a topic and then get diverted to something else and never finish it.

So here's an empty open thread, all topics welcome.

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Happy Valentine's Day Open Thread

TalkLeft wishes everyone a Happy Valentines Day, especially El Chapo's lawyers, Eduardo Balarezo, Jeffrey Lichtman and William Purpura, who didn't win, knew they wouldn't win, but relentlessly pounded away at the government's evidence, and despite being ham-stringed by the judge in every cross-examination,were rock stars in the courtroom and did the best they could do for their mythical client.


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Sunday Superbowl and Open Thread

I love Superbowl Sunday because I get a holiday from the whole world. Almost everyone but me watches it. I don't even know who is playing.

But for those of you who watch and feast, here's a place to talk about it -- and anything else you want to. All topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

Our last open thread is full. Here's a new one, all topics welcome.

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Tuesday Open Thread

TalkLeft was down today -- server issues. While we figure out what went wrong, here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

This government shutdown needs to end.

Michael Cohen is not hot. But I welcome his testimony on Feb. 7 and hope he confirms that he paid paid to doctor polls advancing Trump's nascent candidacy. Author Kurt Eichenwald breaks it all down. Cohen has confirmed the Wall St. Journal story on Twitter. The NY Times has more.

I've still got too much work to blog, probably until tomorrow afternoon or Saturday.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Sunday TV : Golden Globe Awards

As is usually the case, the Golden Globe Awards (Hollywood Foreign Press) tonight is so much better a production that the staid and unimaginative Oscars. Here is their website with well designed page for the nominees and winners. (The one exception: Jeff Bridges, I had to mute him.)

The one film I will probably see: Roma, the film which captured Best Foreign Picture (Mexico) and Best Director.

I also liked the red carpet which I caught a bit of on E! this afternoon. Ryan Seacrest asked some questions other than "who are you wearing?" and at one point mentioned he got the list of who he would be interviewing last night. Clearly he prepared a bit.

Here's a place to discuss them, and this year's shows and movies.

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Friday Open Thread

What a busy week. Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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New Years' Open Thread

Happy New Year everyone!

I took the week off from following the news and blogging. It doesn't seem like I missed much.

It is very cold and snowy here. Not the fluffy kind of snow that makes everything look like a winter wonderland, but the wet kind that turns into slick ice as soon as it hits the road.

The Colorado State Patrol is out in force looking for impaired drivers. They posted this on their Facebook page a few minutes ago, and they think it is amusing:

New Year’s Eve Special Offer:

Troopers statewide will be giving free* rides to intoxicated drivers caught operating a vehicle. Participants can expect a stay in beautiful grey or white rooms, generally about 6×9 in dimensions, with buzzing lights. A toilet is provide just inches from a 1.5 inch mattress, for your convenience. Free photograph and fingerprints will be taken. Company in the room is almost a guarantee, as is a night contemplating poor life choices.

I am more than happy to see 2018 end. I just wish Donald Trump and his family and revolving door staff members would go with it. Barring that, I wish the media would stop its relentless coverage of him and his ignorant comments. [More...]

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Christmas Day Open Thread

A very merry Christmas to all!

This is an open thread, all topics welcome -- from your family holiday traditions to cooking to politics.

Enjoy the day and your time with your families. Regardless of your religion, Christmas is a special holiday!

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Merry Christmas Eve Open Thread

I'm off to buy Christmas gifts for the family. Karter already opened the one I got her -- she's sitting in it in the picture.

Please let us know how you are celebrating, and I'll be back later this evening.

A happy holiday eve to all!

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